Porvoon Sähköverkko is a utility operating their grid next to the coastal line in Porvoo, Southern Porvainen and Loviisa areas in Finland. They have been operating since 1900, their network length is over 3700 km with over 37 000 end-customers.
They wanted to locate grid faults more accurately, and to decrease outage times. With the Safegrid system they received consistently accurate fault locating results for their distribution grid.
As Porvoo Sähköverkko operates their grid next to the coastal line, they are more than familiar with demanding weather conditions. Over multiple storms, the Safegrid system has located grid faults accurately, proving as an useful tool to reduce outage times.
One of the examples can be seen on the accompanying picture, where a transformer pole snapped broken due to a storm. This caused first an earth fault, leading later to an short circuit fault. The Safegrid system located the fault successfully within 70m accuracy.
With Safegrid, Porvoon Sähköverkko achieved:
- Consistently accurate fault location
- Fault location within 70m accuracy
- Decreased outage time
“The Safegrid system has located grid faults consistently over time with good accuracy. This has helped us to find and fix faults faster” Mikael Hämäläinen, Operations Manager