Simplified and scalable fault monitoring solution for electric transmission and distribution grids
Our solution enables fault location within +/- 100 meter accuracy on a map in just seconds.
Predictive maintenance is based on 24/7/365 partial discharge detection.
Safegrid’s Intelligent Grid System® helps to improve grid performance
Safegrid’s Intelligent Grid System® helps locate, predict, and prevent grid faults and improve grid performance with instant-on wireless sensors and modern cloud-based monitoring and analytics. Safegrid’s Intelligent Grid System® employs instant-on sensors and cloud-based analytics for capturing and analyzing grid events. It utilizes sensors for overhead lines and underground cables, accurately locating events using GPS time synchronization. With proprietary algorithms, the system classifies grid events by type and severity, enabling customers to identify faults, anticipate future issues, and prevent them.
Safegrid - The Benefits
Full visibility
into the grid
Precise location
of faults
Enabling predictive maintenance
damage risk
Safegrid’s Intelligent Grid System® is a modern, rock-solid solution for monitoring both medium and high voltage overhead lines and underground cables, completed with cloud based analysis. Your next generation fault passage indicator with plenty of benefits.
A technical application example of our Intelligent Grid System®
Complete fault monitoring solution
Safegrid’s Intelligent Grid System® employs instant-on sensors and cloud-based analytics for capturing and analyzing grid events. It utilizes sensors for overhead lines and underground cables, accurately locating events using GPS time synchronization.
A cloud-based system that monitors the grid in real-time, accessible through web and mobile interfaces. It uses mapping tools and grid topology data to quickly notify about grid faults.
A cable sensor that employs rogowski-coils for non-intrusive current and high-frequency transient measurements.
An overhead line sensor that utilizes wireless current and high-frequency transient measurement, making it non-intrusive and non-contact.
About Safegrid
Safegrid provides a simplified and scalable fault management solution for electric transmission and distribution grids. We are enabling the electric transition worldwide and elevating electrical grid performance through unrivaled visibility, speed, and accuracy.
Safegrid maximizes solution value through collaborative partnerships, advanced technology, and user-centered design. Our ongoing research is based on insights and feedback from our customers. In order to simplify complex systems, we design modern, user-friendly interfaces.
We strive to address the critical challenges faced by distribution network operators, including network performance, outage reduction, and efficient fault management.
Safegrid’s solution ultimately improves your entire grid performance. Contact us today, and we can show you more information!