TransNet NZ Ltd and Safegrid Oy are pleased to announce the association in New Zealand market for carrying forward Safegrid Intelligent Grid System™.
We have being serving the New Zealand market for 20+ years and believe Safegrid provides a good value for our customer base. We believe our customers would be able to get faster ROI and improve their O&M drastically with the innovative solution from Safegrid”, Ed Chesseman – GM – TransNet.
TransNet is providing diversified services to Power Distribution companies in New Zealand and are committed to provide state of the art technology to the market. We are looking forward for expanding our customer base in Australasia quite soon and excited about the relationship”, Rajiv Oberoi – Sales Director – Safegrid Oy.
TransNet NZ offers a large range of products to the Electrical Distribution, Transmission, Rail, OEM and Wholesale industry. Diversity of products and added value propositions for our customers is a hallmark of their services.TransNet is able to offer local support and fast delivery.
Ed Chesseman – GM – TransNet NZ Ltd.
Rajiv Oberoi – Sales Director – Safegrid Oy