T&D World Live 2023 Sacramento Key Takeaways


T&D World Live 2023 Sacramento Key Takeaways

Safegrid was happy to be one of the exhibitors in this great event. Our sales managers Klaus Ola and Mike Burns had the opportunity to meet people in person and have some fruitful conversations.

While representing Safegrid and introducing Safegrid Intelligent Grid System™ to others they also had the time to attend some of the presentations on offer.

Our Picks for Top 3 Presentations

There were many excellent presentations from a wide variety of different topics. One that stood out was an interesting take on innovation as a driving force in the organizations. The presentation was titled: “The New Innovator’s Dilemma: What Can Utilities Learn from Pfizer to Drive the Clean Energy Transition Faster?”

As Safegrid continuously innovates and improves processes and products we were drawn to this topic to learn how we can better utilize the power of innovation. We thought that as the medical industry is tightly regulated and still innovative there might be something valuable to learn. And perhaps even use those learnings to enhance our own practices. Surprisingly to us it turns out that many utilities companies are not actually embracing innovation, but on the contrary it could be argued that they have an anti-innovation work culture.   

As change starts from small shifts in the culture the presenters had created models to modify the culture and developed metrics to track the progress.

We thoroughly enjoyed this presentation and it gave us some new insights and ideas about innovation. First mover does not always win, but innovative companies who can continuously improve usually do.

You can find more information about the presentation HERE


Second presentation that caught our attention was about data driven solutions to improve grid resiliency. The presentation was titled:”A Data-driven Approach to Future-proof Grid Investment Planning” 

Our Safegrid Intelligent Grid System™ applies technology to identify faults before they cause problems allowing utilities to improve their predictive maintenance capabilities. The presentation about data driven solutions was of particular interest to us as it is a part of what we do. 

This presentation showed how beneficial advanced analytics can be when combined with data from customer owned distributed energy resources and electric vehicle ownership. You can find more information about the presentation HERE 


Third presentation we want to introduce was a US-focused talk titled: “Inflation Reduction Act Gives the U.S. Power Grid a Lifeline”

This presentation focused on the substantial earmarked funding for power grid initiatives in the USA. Public funding is also expected to draw in significant private capital for various projects. It was interesting to learn how money will be used and which utilities are expected to gain the most. These developments are exciting and we will be closely following what is happening in the U.S.  

You can find more information about the presentation HERE

Next Event: Expectations and Schedule

The exhibition offered a valuable chance to meet people in person and see great presentations and learn about the latest trends. We look forward to coming back next year and taking part in T&D World Live 2024 happening on October 1-3 ,2024 in Atlanta, GA.  We will update the details once they are published.

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